Thursday, July 23, 2015

An Incredible Week

July 20, 2015

Hello family:) I can't believe it has already been another week! It's crazy :)

Monday we had dinner at the Halsey's and a few of the new families in the ward were there! There are about 8 new families which is crazy! We got to teach them and the little kids about the Book of Mormon which was fun:) 

Tuesday we went over to Sister Kincaid's again.. she's the blind woman from France! We read the Book of Mormon to her every week. Since Elder Lewis broke his arm he needed to be transferred to an area that is full car so he left this week! What's funny is that he just swapped with another Elder Lewis who came out with me! Haha. 

Wednesday we were able to visit with some more less actives. We saw Sister Johnston, one of my favorites. She always calls us darling and gives us compliments even though I know I look so gross after biking.. haha:) We also got to stop by cousin Jade's husbands little brothers house, the Dastrup's. Hahaha, that is a jumble of words! They just moved in so that was cool to see where Jade and Dan used to live :) Small world for sure. 

Thursday we had interviews with President Christiansen! I love President and his wife so much. I know for sure that they are supposed to be leading this mission:) Sister Christiansen has been talking a lot more about safety as well as being scriptorians. I can't remember who said it, but it was someone's wife at the MTC training for the new mission presidents. She said, "Sister missionaries need to be scriptorians."

 It made me think a lot about my patriarchal blessing... I want to know the scriptures so well, especially the Book of Mormon. I love street contacting and telling people that any question they want to ask God can be answered through the Book of Mormon. I also have a testimony of teaching with the scriptures. Sometimes it's easy to look over the scriptures and to just teach, but the Book of Mormon is one of the most powerful resources in conversion as one of the apostles says. It truly is an amazing thing. 

Also some hoodrats tried to steal our bikes Thursday while we were visiting some potentials so I had to scale the balcony of the Elders apartment and lock our bikes to their balcony hahaha. Some lady a few doors down saw us and called someone on us. She said, "We have some girl in an ankle brace on someone's balcony..." It was so funny. 

On Friday we were able to have dinner with old family friends of Sister Brinkerhoff's! They were so kind to take us out. They live in Virginia and have a daughter on a mission. Funny story... so we bike about 4 days a week and on Thursday we were biking and I totally lost my shoe but the pedal kept going and it scraped the back of my leg. My leg was dripping blood into my shoe and got a little on my skirt so were trying to find our way back home since we were lost. When we got home Sister Brinkerhoff performed minor surgery and cleaned up my leg. She is the greeeeatest companion ever!! Haha :) 

Sunday was amazing because we were able to teach a less active family and also celebrate the Batson's youngest daughters birthday with them! Haha she is so cute and turned 3. Their home always reminds me of us stolworthy girls when we were growing up. 

Miracle of the week! We were street contacting and stopped to talk to a guy who was putting away stock in a grocery store. He said that he remembers taking the lessons and he said some of the stuff that he learned about gold plates and the 3 witnesses. He said that he remembers feeling something warm when reading the Book of Mormon. We asked if he thought those feelings came from God and he said definitely. He was taught 9 years ago, but something happened in the neighborhood and the missionaries were never able to come back, but now they can! He lives in the city so hopefully the Inner Harbor missionaries can stop by and see him soon:) 

Also funny street contact of the week: Darrell. An 80 year old man who kept asking us if we knew who named all the animals. He was drunk out of his mind and tried hugging us a million times. Hahah people are so interesting and I love it- it is so fun getting to meet so many people. 

I love being a missionary because I love when we're teaching and people are able to feel the spirit and you see them reflecting on what they feel. It's because the spirit is the teacher! It helps us realize what we need to change in our lives. I am so grateful for it. 

I love you all and wish you an incredible week!:) 

Sister Stolworthy

Curbs are Dangerous

July 13, 2015

Heeeeelllo fam:) Our new Mission President is here! President Christiansen. He is the best! He has all daughters so I told him that dad can totally relate haha. He and Sister Christiansen are so kind and I am so excited to have them for the rest of my mission:) This week was so funny and interesting. I have to say that Maryland drivers are the WORST DRIVERS IN THE WORLD. I have Maryland pride, but honestly they are horrible drivers, especially the closer you get to the city hahaha. People don't even pull over for ambulances... say wha? I will never judge Utah drivers again. Well, I shouldn't say that. I'll say that for now I won't:)

So after I wrote you guys last Monday we went down to Baltimore again since Sister Brinkerhoff wanted to get a shirt! While we were there we went to Inner Harbor and went to this weird pepper/spice store. She and I totally tried the hottest pepper sauce in the ENTIRE WORLD. the whole world. I guess they make it with the hottest peppers in the world too or something like that! Haha. I am so surprised by myself. Maybe it's the nametag, but I just totally tried it. I even had to sign a waiver. It wasn't too bad though:) I included a picture since we made the wall of fame haha. 2 of the elders didn't even try it... so you could say I'm just a little proud over here haha! Baltimore is a really interesting place. Apparently they are averaging 30 murders a month down there or something. When you're walking through the streets you see people called Leaners. They are so passed out because of drugs that they just lean in all these different directions. It makes my heart sad! :( There's so much history to it and it really is a cool place. Everybody just pray for Baltimore. 

We are working with a less active family and practicing the lessons on them:) We get to work with them every week and they are hilarious. Also funny story for Emily.. we went over to a less actives home the other day and she says, "We've been so busy- the kids totally caught lice last night!" All I could do was laugh to myself because I knew Emily would find that funny:) But then I kinda got nervous because I don't do bugs. But that's okay:) We are also reading the Book of Mormon every week with a less active. Her name is Sister Kincaid. She is from france! She is blind so when we go over we have to knock super loud and yell really loud, "IT'S THE SISTERS!!!" The people in the trailer park are probably confused out of their minds hahah:) 

Sister Brinkerhoff taught me how to say, "We're the missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" in Spanish! So now I can street contact in espanol! So fun:) 

We are teaching a lady named Tiffany this week. She is so funny! She works at MAC in Columbia, but lives in our ward boundaries. We were on our way to contact a referral and ran into her. We ended up talking to her for about an hour and a half. She seems so prepared to hear more about the gospel. I am so excited to get to teach her! 

Yesterday we went to visit a former who apparently had moved because when we opened the door there were about 3 guys and 2 girls totally hot boxing it in there. The smell of weed hit us like a ton of bricks when they opened the door hahaha. I don't even think they knew what they were saying to us but oh well. I wonder about the percentage of people I talk to who are just on something... it's probably up there haha. We were able to talk to soo many people this week which is a blessing :) 

Sad day because Elder Lewis who is in our area broke his arm! He hit a curb on his bike and fractured his arm and dislocated his elbow. He's only 3 weeks out, poor Elder. He has to get surgery, so let's just say he won't be biking any time soon. I also fell off a curb "walking" and rolled the same ankle that I hurt prior to my mission. I blame my genetics for being a klutz! But it's alright because I'm just wearing my brace.
Something I've been thinking a lot about this week is agency. It plays such an important role in our lives and our purpose here on earth. Agency in all aspects. Sometimes family members will leave the church or stray away, but ultimately they have their own agency. We had an awesome lesson on the Prodigal Son, Sunday. We need not be self righteous when we see others leave the path. All we can do is love. 

When facing an incredibly hard trial we have choose to rely on Christ or not and to follow His will no matter how hard it can be. We have agency every single day even in the tiniest choices. Our thoughts, words, actions are all based on what we CHOOSE to do. I think it's an incredible gift that shows how much God has trusted us. We choose whether or not we will be happy as well. That's something I've come to realize throughout life in general. When we choose to follow the Savior we choose HAPPINESS. Happiness doesn't mean life is perfect, it means that we can always make it through. I love that God has given me a choice. My wish is that I choose wisely to follow the Savior as best I can so that I can always be happy, and share that happiness with those around me. 

I love you all so much! You are incredible examples to me. Remember always to be member missionaries in your ward. It is so important! We cannot do this work alone. Talk to everyone you know, be an example, and help the missionaries out in your ward:) Love you always. 

Sister Stolworthy 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!

July 6, 2015

Hello familia! Happy 4th of July:) I got to experience so many illegal fireworks! Hahah. We had permission to be out if we were with a ward member so we went to a barbecue at a ward members home. My 4th was very rainy. 

I am having so much fun with Sister Brinkerhoff! I am still so sad this is her last transfer, but I am so grateful I get to be with her. She is so hilarious and so kind. She has taught me so much and it's been such a joy to be with her. We have been street contacting and finding with the Book of Mormon a lot this week. I always love explaining the Book of Mormon because I can feel the spirit just even on the street. People's faces always seem to change and a lot of them become interested in learning more about it. The Book of Mormon truly, in the words of the prophets, is the most powerful resource in conversion! It is the way that we become closest to Christ. From personal experience and from being out here I see that not reading the Book of Mormon really does take a toll on us spiritually. Just like not going to church. I always encourage the people we teach to read the Book of Mormon even if it's just a verse each day. It WILL change your life. Through the Book of Mormon we gain a testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith, the Restoration, and Jesus Christ. It's the base of all things. How cool is that. And we can all find that out for ourselves. Even cooler. 

I am so sorry to hear about Boyd K. Packer. He was an beloved apostle and spiritual giant. 

There is a new elder in the mission who's last name is Stolworthy... say what?! The most uncommon last name in the universe, and this elder is out here from Tennessee. I have no clue how we are related, but I 100000% know we are somehow because no one else has that last name haha. I also found out that I am related distantly to another Elder in the mission. Hahaha small world for sure. 

Half of this week we have been on bikes which wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that we are at least 2 miles from the closest ward member! Hahah. I wish my 7th grade self who used to bike ride all the time would just come out and bike it for me, but alas those were the old days. Haha. That's okay though, because I am able to appreciate this beautiful place so much more. On Saturday we hid our bikes in some trees because a ward member was picking us up and when we got them back there were ants ALL OVER MY BIKE. They were making babies in my handlebars! Hundreds of them. Ya'll know I don't do bugs! The Elders in our area asked me if I was going to cry and then I did. Out of all the things in the world that can happen to a person, BUGS are what make me cry ahahah. Just bugs. So then we smothered my handle bars with tape. No more ants making babies now. 

We really have some awesome and kind ward members out here:) I am so grateful for their love! I am so grateful for all of you. I know that this gospel is true. I know it because without it I would have nothing. The gospel can be hard to live sometimes, but it is so simple. It's not easy, but it is so worth it. I love each and every one of you. Newport looked amazing! Have a blessed week:) 

Here are picture of my leg after my bike fell on me.. hahaha I thought you would find it funny:) #stolworthyshavenocoordination 

Love, love, love

Sister Stolworthy

Now We Ride Bikes

June 29, 2015

Hello hello :) First week of transfers and we made it! My companion is Sister Brinkerhoff from St. George. She is hilarious and so kind. This is her last transfer though :( So I'll only get to be with her a little while. 

We found out last Wednesday that we lost our car in this area, so we get to share with the Elders now. If you need a good workout, just bike up a lot of hills and that will do the trick! Haha. It's actually really fun, and you get a lot of funny stares which is just fun too:) 

Sunday we got to help Mama put up the plan of salvation and Lehi's Dream on her door. It looks so cute! She is amazing. Then we sang gospel music and it was the highlight of my mission thus far :) 

We said farewell to the Richards, but we get to meet President and Sister Christiansen this Thursday! I am so dang excited. Tuesday we said farewell to our district. We also taught our investigator about the Restoration. I got to recite the first vision and it is so powerful every time it is read. What I love about the gospel is that everything intertwines. The Restoration brings us the Plan of Salvation which provides the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything is everything, I love it. I had the chance to watch the Restoration and it just amazes me that Joseph Smith went through so much. I have such a stronger testimony of God's prophets and apostles than I ever have before. They are men called of God. Through prophecy and revelation. When we follow the Prophet and the Apostles we are following Christ. Especially in our world today when everything can seem so chaotic and messy, the prophet can bring us so much peace. If we follow the Savior's gospel and the prophet, than we will always be okay. We need not fear where to turn or what to do, because the Savior will always guide us. I am so grateful for Joseph and Emma Smith, and all of the Saints. They truly went through so much. I am thankful that I get to be a representative of the true and living gospel. This gospel which was restored and will never leave again. 

Sunday in church we learned about covenant keeping women. There are so many in my life, but I had the chance to bring up grandma Tutu and how she took mom and Lani to church all those years ago. I know that keeping our covenants and following the Savior truly can help us become rock solid in the gospel. We will never be perfect, but keeping our covenants provides us a sure foundation. 

Oh how I love Christ and what He did for us. He truly can rescue us from any storm we are facing. It is so important that everyone knows that. I love being a missionary, it is a sacred and amazing opportunity for me. I love that the Spirit is always the teacher, and that we can always come as close to Christ as we allow ourselves to. Love you all SO MUCH. You mean the world to me and I pray for you everyday. 

Love love, 
Sister Stolworthy 

Washington DC Temple

June 22, 2015

Helluuuuur family!:) I LOVE getting your letters! Dad, I hope you had an amazing amazing Father's Day. I couldn't stop thinking about how grateful I am to have such an example to me in so many ways. Ally girls camp looked awesome! I am so glad you had fun. Cate, your hair looks amazing as always and I'm so happy you and Jared celebrated your anniversary at the greatest place in the world. Emily, you are just super cool too. 

Currently there is a man farting next to me about every couple minutes. He has headphones in so I don't think he realizes it. Oh the blessings of public libraries;) Hahaha. 

Wow, this week was so crazy busy! So first off, transfers are this Wednesday! This transfer was only 5 weeks since the Richard's are going home. Our new mission president comes next week! This next transfer will be 7 weeks. Sister Donehue my trainer is leaving and shotgunning in Westminster! I am getting another companion down here in Eldersburg :) It will be her last transfer I believe. I have a feeling I am going to be in Eldersburg for a while:) Sorry dad, but there are currently no football players in this ward! They moved closer to the city! Haha. But I got to see Amy Gadberry, the Bishop's daughter, from back in my BYU ward! It was so fun. 

Tuesday we had district training and Wednesday we went down to Frederick for the new Trainer/Trainee meeting. I am so grateful that I got to come in May and be with the Richard's for a month. They truly are great people. We were able to have 785 social media splits this past Saturday! Isn't that crazy?! The goal was 600 for the last Saturday, but we made it 785. I love that the Lord is progressing His work using technology! Now if He could just send Maryland some iPads:) 

Thursday we had exchanges and I got to be with Sister Robinson down here in Eldersburg. It was super fun. Apparently out stove/oven was making some carbon gas smell come up so we had to get that fixed. I am nervous that I lost one too many braincells... 

We have an appointment with our investigator tomorrow that I am so excited for! We gave her a MoTab CD last week so hopefully she has been able listen to it :) We are still teaching the family from Haiti! 
Mama got her temple recommend yesterday! I am SO PROUD of her! She is going to go every week with other sisters in the ward. We are also working with a recent convert to get her to the temple as well. You know this week we studied temples a lot. I am so grateful for the temple. I am grateful that it is a source of refuge, peace, and the closest that we will ever get to God. I'm grateful that I got to go every week back home because it is the best prep for anything we will ever do. Families truly are forever. I am grateful for covenants, and for faith. Faith truly does make us whole. This work is so good and so true. It is the ONLY thing that will bring us real and true happiness in this life. We were able to go see Meet the Mormons Saturday at the DC visitors center. I haven't been in 2 years so it was great getting to go again. Beautiful place. 

I love and pray for you guys ALWAYS. Keep the faith and remember how loved you all are. I am indebted forever for your great examples. Have a great week! :) 

Love you all,

Sister Hailey Stolworthy