Monday, September 5, 2016

transfer #12

August 29, 2016

Hey family!:) Transfers are this week & I am staying with Sister Giles in Hagerstown! We are so excited:) I can't believe another transfer has already come & gone.

Marisol was baptized Saturday! It was down by Antietam Creek at the Johnsons home in Antietam ward. It was so beautiful & I used a whole bottle of bug spray haha & it was great:)

Ahh a week of miracles:) Our investigator Annie is on date for October 15th! She is amazing. Her life story is her daughter Jessica is a member out in Utah. She is the only member in her family & her son is serving a mission right now. Annie, for the first time her whole life, really wants to change her life & be baptized. The spirit was so strong when we talked about repentance & forgiveness. The fact that she can be completely clean is a precious & amazing thing to her. It was cool getting to talk to her sweet daughter about it as well.

Funny of the week to me: A returned missionary recently home who went out street contacting with Sister Giles said, "Wow, people in America are really rude. I don't know how you talk to people here." I don't know why that was so funny to both of us haha- but we love Maryland with our whole heart:)

We said goodbye to Julia this week & she went up to Salisbury for school. I can't believe school is already in again. We were also able to see Brenda with Sister Verdier. Sister Verdier is the coolest- she has come out with us 3 times. 2 of the times were because she signs & speaks french! Haha- so cool:) 

We were able to visit with Josephine from Uganda, the one who just had her baby. Sister James came out with us. She doesn't believe in Joseph Smith or that God would reach out to His children again. She said that if God wanted to her to know something He would tell her & that she doesn't have to ask. It was so heartbreaking. So sad to see when people aren't willing to even ask. I've seen on my mission that agency is a dear thing to the Lord & to our Heavenly Father. Sister Giles & I have seen a lot of appointments fall through & a lot of people choosing not to continue meet with us. It is so hard- but I know the Lord's hand is apparent everyday. & that there truly are miracles because this is truly His work. It is a blessing & a treasure to get to wear his name on my chest. Love you guys so much. Have a great week & good luck with school:) Love you Xo Sister Stolworthy

Zone Training with Martinsburg:)

Sister Christiansen popped in for a visit:)

thunder thunder

August 22, 2016

Hey guys!:) It has been so hut & muggy with these thunderstorms. Last week I got a weird bug bite on my legs.... I think it was a spider. Probably because we were down in West Virginia on exchanges with the Hedgesville Sisters! Haha. West Virginia has a mind of it's own:) 

We were able to teach Katie Smith's friend, Cathy, twice this week!:) She's on date for September 24th. She has a really good understanding of the Book of Mormon & has a deep desire to follow Christ. She was also able to come to church yesterday:)

Tuesday was exchanges!:) I was in Hedgesville with Sister Slack who came out 4 weeks ago! It was fun & we were able to pick up 3 new investigators which was really cool. Sister Slack is from Cedar City & is I think the oldest one in her family to serve a mission. It was a blast being with her:) 

Wednesday we taught Annie again with Sister Wheeler about the Plan of Salvation. She had never been taught it before. She kept saying "This just seems like it's so familiar to me." We also were able to teach Julia that evening about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She heads up to Salisbury for school this week so we are saying goodbye to her tomorrow. We already informed the Elders up there that an amazing person was coming who is so prepared for the gospel of Jesus Christ!:) They think Salisbury will get sisters again after the Philadelphia Temple open house.

Thursday we taught Marisol her last lesson before her baptism this Saturday!:) We also taught the Brickers caretaker, Eileen, about the Restoration. She said she wants to get baptized!:) We also volunteered at the soup kitchen for salvation army & made a lot of friends with some amazing people!!:)

Friday we were able to teach Brandi & her family about the Plan of Salvation & they came to church Sunday!! :) It was so great! Sadly, Wayne & Sandra dropped us:( We think they were antied because they called & said that Wayne's sister wants them to attend her church & be baptized there so they can't meet with us anymore. It is really sad- but we love them & pray for them. They were so solid. Sunday was great- we were able to sing in church with a couple of the elders haha! We also saw Cathy & Annie again. 

The longer that I'm out on my mission the more I realize the importance of charity in everything that we do. Not just as a missionary- but in everything. Everything we do for the Lord's kingdom should be with love and out of love. If not then we aren't doing it how Christ would & there really isn't a point. I'm grateful for the love of the Savior. I couldn't do anything by myself- it's only with the Savior that it's possible... I am eternally grateful for His sacrifice which was out of love. 

I hope you guys have an incredible week & remember the words of Elder Bednar. "I will not shrink"!! :) Love you:) Xo Sister Stolworthy 

PS - If you ever give a talk in sacrament meeting- remember that there can be nonmembers in the audience & they probably have no idea what you are talking about when you say things like "patriarchal" & "melchizedek" hahah. simplicity & explanation is best ;) 

Matching gap skirts! Haha:)

Mosquito Mosquito

August 15, 2016

Hey guys:) It has been so warm this week! I don't think I will ever get use to humidity hahah. In other news- mosquitos still love my blood so I look like I have chicken pox all over my legs! Haha. 

Oh man- this week was so great! I can't believe the elders coming out now graduated high school in 2016. I feel like a grandma.
We had a couple lessons with Marisol this week who is getting baptized on the 27th. Seriously- so much faith in a 9 year old. She is amazing!:) 

We taught Shanese this week about the Book of Mormon. We taught Skylar about the sacrament & she came to mutual:) We also were able to see Peter & Josephine in the hospital right after they had their baby- it was really cool. We taught Brandi on Wednesday & Friday this week. We taught her about the Book of Mormon & the Restoration. She has 5 kids & 2 of them are at home with her when we teach. Her 7 week old baby Naomi & Her son Walker. She has a really good understanding & is progressing:) We also taught Annie this week with Sister Wheeler. Annie's daughter is a member & Annie finally wants to be taught & eventually be baptized. We also taught Brenda twice this week about prayer & the Holy Ghost. She wants to get a blessing since Sister Hendricks bore powerful testimony of the priesthood:) 
Wednesday was splits & we were able to see Danielle & Sister Kerrigan. 

Friday we went on exchanges with the Martinsburg sisters! Woot woot:) Sister Udall came here with me & Sister Giles went to Martinsburg with Sister Pickett! We were able to teach Brenda, see Sister Miley a less-active & also teach the Harrasts friend Julia again. The lesson with Julia was so powerful. We finished up the plan of salvation & talked about Moroni 7. It has been so cool to see the spirit working in her. She wants the happiness & peace that God brings to come to everyone. She is amazing! Saturday we were able to teach Wayne & Sandra with Bishop Roberts. They both want to be baptized on the same day!:) They both have the same desire to recommit themselves to God. 

Yesterday we were able to visit with Katie Smith's friend Kathy in the ward who has decided she wants to be baptized. She was taught in the past but says her desire has grown! So we taught her about the Book of Mormon & hopefully tonight will get to see her at dinner with the Gasser family:) There have been so many miracles this week. I have a strong testimony of the spirit & of the temple. We talked in relief society yesterday about how there is a reason we constantly renew our temple recommends. We are continually growing, progress, & improving. I love that in the gospel we are never done. I love you guys so much & I admire your strong testimonies of the gospel despite the continual challenges that are around us each day. Love you love you:) Xo Sister Stolworthy 

PS - I forgot to mention that on exchanges 2 weeks ago I met Emily Stolworthy's old roommate from BYU-I so that was pretty cool:) 


August 8, 2016

Hey family & friends! :) I hope Emily had a great birthday last week:)

Monday we had dinner with a non-member, Lynn, who was the teacher of one of the youth in the ward. Then Tuesday we went on exchanges with the Frederick YSA sisters! I got to be with Sister Anderson in Frederick:) The YSA branch is new so it's fun to see it start up & see all the miracles there:) Then Wednesday we had a lesson with a Nigerian family. They wanted to bible bash & tell us why we were wrong haha. It was just another interesting experience. Tolu, the mom, was saying that we are dust & that it is blasphemous to think we will ever be divine or be like Jesus Christ. That we are merely spirits & spirits are what we will be. It broke my heart to think that they truly don't believe it's possible to even attempt to live like Jesus Christ did. It was a very humbling experience for me- to think of how much Jesus Christ loves all of us & wants us back home. He truly does.
We went on splits that night. I went to see Danielle & Mariah with Sister Knight, who are recent converts. Sister Giles went with a sister in the ward to see Wayne our investigator. 

Thursday we went over to teach Donna & Brenda who were potentials & we taught them the restoration. Brenda kept questioning why bad things happened to her in her life & why God didn't prevent them. We talked about agency & about our abilities to choose. How precious a gift it really is. 

Then that night we went to see Skylar our investigator & taught her about faith using the Child's Book of Mormon. It was really neat to see her understanding increase:) 

Friday was temple day! :) It was so great to be able to go one last time.Sister Wheeler, Sister Hendricks, and Sister Knight took us. They are special women. I felt how I felt last time. That the temple felt so familiar to me- & that I was in the right place. I wish I could explain exactly how I felt- but I think the ward familiar will have to do. :) 
Then Saturday we taught Wayne the restoration & put him on date for September 3rd! :) He is so excited to follow Jesus Christ & get back on the path. So pleaaase pray for him:) He & his Fiance Sandra are both investigating. 
Sunday we were able to teach the Harrasts (a family in our ward) daughters friend. She is Sister Giles & I's age. She is really good friends with the Harrast's daughter Amanda. She went to visit her in BYU-Idaho & went to church there. She said she could feel the difference in other churches vs ours. It was a really powerful lesson. I felt like I had known her my whole life when we were teaching her. Afterwards, Sister Giles said the same thing. The spirit is so amazing. 

I can't really express how grateful I am to be a missionary. These past 15 months have met everything to me. I am merely an instrument- this is all about the Lord & it has always been about Him. Never us. I am grateful for the knowledge of my Savior Jesus Christ. He is, and will always be the way. I have never been happier than when I am serving the Lord. Thank you for all your love & support:) Xo Sister Stolworthy 

PS - here is a talk from this months ensign that I love. 

a ltitle bit of hot hot

August 1, 2016

Hey family!:) It has been so warm this week. Warm & humid. & then it poured rain. Sister Giles & I got soaked but it was so fun. Also... humidity is still the worst :) hahah.

This week we had the opportunity to go on exchanges with the Braddock Heights & Harper's Ferry sisters. It was fun being back in Braddock Heights again, where I served about a year ago. I got to see the Macharsky family since we had them for dinner... I just love them:) 

In Braddock Heights the sisters had made a "10 ways to find" promise to the Lord. One of their ways was to knock the 5 doors around a potential they had. When we knocked on the 4th door, someone answered & let us in! It was really cool:) Something I learned from Sister Johnson is to always have faith-filled prayers. She is a ROCKSTAR at that. 

Wednesday we went on splits & I went with Sister Wheeler. Sister Wheeler is a rockin' 80 year old who loves going out with the missionaries. She & Sister Hendricks are the best missionaries:) We met with a recent convert who's struggling with staying in the church. One of her friend's parents gave her a bunch of anti & it's all the same anti that you hear. Sister Wheeler clarified it all in front of her friend so beautifully & full of love. 

Thursday we taught Skylar & Ashley about the Plan of Salvation using Finding Nemo references! Haha it was really cool & it really clicked for them:) We also had a MIRACLE find. When planning Wednesday I really felt like we were going to get 3 investigators Thursday. I just kept promising the Lord that I would do all I could to find them. We were kind of going through a drought of investigators progressing & keeping commitments. That night we knocked on the door of a less-actives neighbor. Their names were Pat & Terry. They were with their 2 grandkids. We taught them all about the restoration. It was the most powerful restoration lesson I have ever been in... their grandsons were listening intently too. & the coolest part is that their grandsons are 8 & 6! So we ended up getting the 3 investigators the Lord had ready. It was super cool:)

Friday we found a new investigator KiKi. We were looking for a potential family- but we found her instead. Her son has autism & she was in an abusive marriage. She loved the Book of Mormon & invited us to come back.

Saturday was hard. We had 6 set appointments & only 1 of them was there. Sometime's it's hard but I know that the best way to show our love for the Lord is through our loyalty to Him. So we continue to talk with everyone we see & invite members to keep coming out with us:) 

We are really excited because we get to go to the temple Friday & Friday will become our preparation day. That's why I am emailing in intervals since we had an appointment earlier this afternoon haha. I am so excited for our semi-annual temple trip:) Thank you for all your love & support. I am so grateful for this chance I have to serve. I feel like I have truly come to know my Savior out here. Love you!!:) Xo Sister Stolworthy 

PS: No one can ever pronounce my name. My favorite ones this week: Sister Slothworthy, Sister Stolworth, Sister Stolzy :)

Harper's Ferry Sisters! :) 


July 25, 2016

So this week was great:) I said goodbye to Columbia 2nd ward- which is an amazing place with special people. And also goodbye to Sister Noa & Sister Olsen. It was so fun being with Sister Olsen again. We are the best of friends & I am grateful Heavenly Father let us be together one more transfer:) 

Tuesday we had a great zone training as we wrapped up the transfer. Columbia zone was on fire while I was there. It is so cool to see the Lord hastening His work:) 

Wednesday was transfers! Hagerstown is soooooooo great! Ahhh asdf jkl;asdlfk! Missionary work is a big thing here. The ward members are so involved & really care about the people in the area. It is a cool thing to see. Every Wednesday all 4 sets of missionaries in the ward go on splits with the members. I went with Sister Stoops to help our investigator Jessica pack. She was getting evicted:( Crazy thing is- when we were helping her move Sister Priest from the Braddock Heights ward was there! They are family friends, it was cool to see her again:)

Thursday we were helping her move out with a few ward members since she had to be out by 9 am. There was also another family in the ward getting evicted that same day. It was heartbreaking to see all of their stuff just out on the corner. The ward members showed a lot of support & we were able to help move all of the stuff to storage. We have so much to be grateful for...

Friday we had mission leadership council in frederick where we talked a lot about obedience & love being the motivating factor. i love that the culture of our mission is exact obedience...I have learned so much about the kind of disciple I want to be for the rest of my life. 

Saturday we met with Jessica & taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ at Sister Hendricks house. She started to cry & she said that she has seen the Lord's hand in her life more since she started meeting with the missionaries. She also said that these feelings she gets are new to her & that they clarify everything. It was so cool!!:) 

Yesterday we taught our investigator Skylar about the Book of Mormon & also Marisol- about praying often. She is 9 years old & has such simple faith. She is getting baptized August 20th. Children have taught me so much on my mission. 

I am so grateful to be here with Sister Giles. She is from Mesa, AZ so we can relate on the dry heat thing:) She is an incredible missionary & has already taught me so much these past few days. I feel like I have already grown & have so much growing to do. Truly the Lord never lets us be okay with standing still... He will always test, try, and pull us to help us change into something greater. I love you guys so much & I am truly grateful for all of your love & support. Xoxo Sister Stolworthy

PS - i loooooooooooooove letters:) 

105 N Edgewood Dr #5 
Hagerstown, MD 21740

Mahaffey family! Minus Hayden since he just went to Africa on his mission! They are the best!! 

Colubmia Zone! 

Jess Haggerty came out tracting with us:) She is amazing! 

11th transfer, 9th companion, 5th area

July 18, 2016

Hey family! We had such a fun week this week!!:) So call-outs were yesterday which is crazy! I am going to be serving in Hagerstown, MD as a sister training leader with sister Giles. I am excited:) It is so crazy how time flies by:) Also congrats to Haylee & Emily, two of my very best friends, who were married these past couple weeks. They looked beautiful & light just radiated from them:)
Yesterday we had our Why I Believe fireside with Bishop Wright who came from Woodstock!! It was so great to see him & his family again:) He gave a great job talking about building firm faith. Sister Noa, Olsen & I had a chance to sing a medley that Sister Lumi put together. It was a lot of fun:) There were a lot of non-members there too!:)
Our Book of Mormon class started off this past week as well! We had some investigators & members there. This man named Eddy who the elders are teaching came. He is a french man we met on the bus! It was so cool to see him with his French Book of Mormon:)
We also had interviews with President Christiansen this week. Interviews are the best because it's like talking to my dad. President is our Bishop & our Stake President so it's cool to talk with someone who receives revelation for so many people:) He is so wise.
We spent a lot of days this week resting since all 3 of us got sick. I got it first, and I'm pretty sure I got it the worst haha. It was a super bad cold. I still have it but I think it's on it's tail end:) There aren't going to be sisters in Columbia 2nd ward anymore, for now, since there are boundary changes to a few ward in the Columbia stake. I think it's so exciting when that kind of stuff happens because it means the church is growing:)
Ahhh I am just so grateful to be a missionary & His emissary. This gospel is so beautiful, pure, & true. I've been reading in D&C and how humility plays such a large role in our happiness. We have to give it all to God- not just parts of it- but all of it. He sees the bigger picture. Love you all SO MUCH!:) Xoxo Sister Stolworthy 


July 11, 2016

Hey guys! :) This week has been fun being the tres amigos! We did a lot of door knocking & a lot of service. 

We saw Sister Johnson who told us with her thick accent "The deer came & ate all of my garden!!" & we also have been finishing up the preparation for our Book of Mormon class & Why I Believe Fireside! We are super excited:) Also it can be hard trying to make flyers as a missionary with no skills but we were able to do it & they look good haha:) 

Saturday our zone did a free carwash at the church. We had about 15 cars come through which was pretty good. Sister Olsen & i got to stand at the intersection & hold signs. I felt like I was in Student Council again! Hahaha. Also....Marylanders can be really mean. They are always in a hurry & aren't too friendly, but occasionally you get the super nice:) I still love them all with my whole heart. We were able to talk to a lady named Brooke who was super cool! She majored in political science & we were able to give her a mini church tour.

Funny for the week is Miss Carol. She's a spunky 80 year old who needed us to rub Bengay on her back again....hahahaha. So Sister Olsen did it this time :) 

If you guys could keep praying for Shakerra, Leatrice, & April that would be awesome:) We can't see a couple of them until next week- but the prayers would be lovely:) Thanks so much for everything. I love you all with my whole heart. Xo Sister Stolworthy