Monday, November 23, 2015

virginia iz fer luverz

November 23, 2015

Christmuz is comin'! There are lights starting to go up and it is lovely:) 
I hope you guys have the best Thanksgiving ever! I love Thanksgiving:) We will be eating at the Weavers & the Armstrongs. I'm grateful kind ward members allow us to come over:) 

We have had a lot of changes to our mission recently with key indicators and such. Our focus is a lot more weighed on our purpose. We had the best Zone Conference on Tuesday. I am so grateful for President & Sister Christiansen! I say that every email haha but they are the kindest people and they are so inspired. The missionary department came to tour our mission & I think one of the seventy is coming to tour it in the next few weeks. 

Tomorrow we have Zone Training. The Zone Leaders are in our area so thankfully we don't have to travel too far haha. Because the Winchester Stake is so spread apart we have 2 zones and there are only 2 sets of sisters in the whole zone! Haha. 

Please pray for Sister Olsen, her muscles in her lower back have been bothering her a ton and it is so painful for her to sit:( 

Friday we went on exchanges for the day so Sister Talbert from Winchester came here. Brother J.'s funeral was that evening so we were able to attend. We also helped Sis Clark in our ward clean her porcelain dolls for service. She has been really, really sick recently. Funny story about Sis Clark. She lives alone and when the changes came that Elders couldn't come over without another guy there she was really sad. She wrote the Prophet and asked for Sister Missionaries so this area has had sister missionaries for years and has never taken them out hahaha. 

We have 1 investigator right now:) She is married to a member and their whole extended family is in the ward! Haha. She is planning on getting baptized in December! She is so sweet and she has such simple faith! She just gets everything:) I admire her will to follow the Lord. 

Saturday we helped a family move into the ward. Not a lot of people were there to help them move so it took about 6 hours. Brother Cline said that we were the hardest-working sisters he's ever met and I told him he must have never met my past Hawaiian companion Sister Waite hahaha! She is STRONG. It was also #socialmediasplit Saturday so that was fun:) 

I love you all so much. I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving and remember how grateful I am for all of you and your testimonies. I feel your strength thousands of miles away. Xoxo Sister Stolworthy 

the other woodstock

November 16, 2015

There's a funny motto that goes around here.. "The other Woodstock." Since Woodstock, VA was the original woodstock. They have a lot of funny shirts and flags in this town:) 

This past week was really heart-wrenching. Friday we lost a really awesome guy in our ward. The high priest group leader, Brother J. passed away suddenly. I only met him 2 times but he will have a lasting impact on me. He had the biggest smile and the funniest laugh you have ever heard. He was always making everyone laugh in Ward Council.  

We ate dinner with their family Thursday night and talked about revelation. We showed them the Mormon Message "patterns of light: revelation" by Elder Bednar. We were laughing about how we both receive revelation like Elder Bednar, slowly and over time. He said, "I want you to remember that you receive revelation like Elder Brother and Brother J." I will always remember that. He worked for the church and knew a lot of people since they've been in the area a long time.

 I am so grateful for the faithful saints that I get to be with out on my mission. They exemplify the Savior and their testimonies build my faith. Sunday Sister Olsen and I sang "Nearer My God, to Thee" in church. His family was their in sacrament... the spirit was so strong. It was overwhelming to me. I am so grateful for how thin the veil is and I am so grateful families are forever. The Plan of Happiness is so, so real. I know that the Savior lives and that He knows every thing we go through. I know that this is the time we prepare to meet God. I know that we need to act on every good thought and we just need to love and serve people as much as we can. Their is purpose in His plan. Love you all. Have a great week and tell everyone you love them. xo 

Sister Stolworthy 

ps - here is sister olsen & i at the rs activity.


November 9, 2015

Oh holy moley guacomoley... I LOVE VIRGINIA. Hahah it is seriously the best!:) First off, our area is HUGE. It is 519 sqaure miles. We only have 1,000 miles on the car this month which means we park our car and walk a ton but I love it:) We are right on the border of Northern Virginia so we border West Virginia. Woodstock used to be a branch a couple years ago so the building is the smallest chapel but I love the ward members so much:) 

The ward is called Woodstock but it consists of Strasburg, Woodstock, Tomsbrook, Maurytown, Edinburg, Mount Jackson, New Market, Startannery, and Fort Valley. (I spelled some of those wrong haha) A lot of people live in the country but theses are some cute towns with main streets and little shops. They remind me of the Christmas movies:)  Also I found out that Virginia is the bug capital of the entire US :( There are spiders everywhere. I freaked Sister Olsen out in the car the other day because this spider looking thing with 2 legs almost fell on my leg haha. Oh man I hate bugs so much. 

Sister Olsen is the cutest. She is from a small town outside of Preston, Idaho! So her high school was the one where Napoleon Dynamite was filmed haha. She is so happy and loving despite the trials she has had with heart surgery and makes everyone feel loved. Even though she is in "training" I feel like she has been out months and I am learning so much from her:)

President Wright is the one who sent mom the picture! Haha. He is the one who wrote the book, "The Christmas Jar" if you remember reading that to us dad? He's also written a lot of other books too. He is in the Stake Presidency here. I'm in the Winchester stake which stretches far and wide. 

We have 3 investigators right now:) There are a lot of part-member families which we are trying to work with. Our ward mission leader is brother Gagnon. He met his wife because they were in a Lord of the Rings fan club and their house is decked out with all things American. So... they are the coolest people I've met thus far haha. 

Oh man i just love the people here. I love em with my whole heart. My favorite quote of the week goes to a sister who told us, "Ya fart here and they tax it!" Hahaha. 

I love you guys and I am so grateful to be out here. I pray for you all the time and I am so happy that you are happy:) Elder Holland said something in a talk that I have been thinking a lot about lately... 

"If you have not yet learned that it is more important to help someone else succeed than it is to focus on your own success, then please start learning that divine lesson now." 

Have a great week!:) Xo, Sister Stolworthy 

5th transfer, 5th companion:)

November 2, 2015

Hey family!:) happy 6 months! holy cow this week was a whirlwind! So yesterday I found out that I am getting transferred to Woodstock, Virginia! I am going to be training a sister there and doing the 2nd half of her training:) Virginia is really pretty and I am excited:) I leave Wednesday! But I am going to miss Braddock Heights and all of the amazing people I got to meet here. B. Heightz is the BEST.

This week was so much fun! We had zone training Tuesday and then Sisters Conference on Thursday. Sister Lasike and I got to sing Israel, Israel God is Calling at the conference. I love Sister Lasike so much! Then Friday I got my MRI and the ward Trunk or Treat! Then Saturday was Halloween:) The Kolbfleisch's in our ward fed us and Sister K. makes a Halloween dinner so we had meatloaf that looked like werewolves paws hahaha. Since we have to be in by 6 our Zone played sports the rest of the night and some missionaries dressed up. Sister Nakata had a baptism down in Winchester Saturday so we got to go to Virginia with Sister Bowden! The baptism was so cool because the husband was baptized, received the priesthood, and then was able to baptize his wife. It was a really special moment to witness.

We are still teaching the 10 year-old and I am so excited for her as she continues to grow her testimony. It is amazing to me how much little kids understand and how simply they just get the gospel.

Sisters Conference was really cool because we had the Senior Sisters talk to us on different subjects. The conference was based off Russell M. Nelson's talk on women and how it relates to being a missionary:) It made me realize how many examples I have and continue to have of covenant keeping women all around me and how much I have learned from each of them. Our mission has about 58 sisters in it. What's crazy is that after this transfer 50% of our mission will have been only been out 4 1/2 months and less. Isn't that something? Also there is an Elder Stolworthy in this mission and everyone asks me if we are related hahaha I guess he's pretty popular since so many people have asked me about him...But I know we are related somehow because this last name is way to rare haha.

Oh man I have loved this transfer. I have loved being with Sister Nakata and I have loved all the people I've met and served with here in Frederick. I hope you all have an amazing week:) Xoxo, Sister Stolworthy

PS - My new address is:
213 Patriots Place
Woodstock, VA

I mustache you a Q

October 26, 2015

Emily you are a rockstar for running a half-marathon. But seriously, you rock! And Ally you looked like a babe at homecoming! I have the cutest seesters:) And thank you Grandpa Reed and Aunt Sandra for the awesome Halloween package. And thank you to the CTR class for the cute letter :) Love you guys.

This week was so fun! Tuesday we had interviews with President. I love President and Sister Christiansen so dang much- they are some of the kindest people I have ever known. Something President said really stuck out to me. He said, "We aren't just planting seeds, but we are harvesting them." I think it is so cool how much the Lord is hastening His work. He also told me that I should brush up on my ASL since Frederick is home of the Maryland School for the Deaf. So cool:))

So Monday was great because we got teach our investigator Lisa about the Book of Mormon and then give her a church tour! She is so hilarious and can chat for days about how much she loves God. She has such a good heart and said that our baptismal font was super fancy so she would definitely pray about what she's been taught haha. I love her.

Tuesday I went to the doctor at the American Spine pain management center and he told me that I need to get a new MRI since mine is about 4 years old so I shall be doing that this Friday.../: I start physical therapy Thursday. I have mixed emotions but I'm grateful I can be refreshed on the exercises that will help:) Tuesday was the Relief Society "Unbirthday" activity. There were a lot of less-actives there which was really great to see.

Then Wednesday we had the opportunity to volunteer at the ARC. The ARC helps adults with disabilities. We got to do activities with those who are in the day program. I loved it so much- my mission just keeps reaffirming how excited I am to do special education when I get home:)

We also taught the 10 year old we are teaching this week about the plan of salvation! I love object lessons:) Then we had the chance to go on exchanges Friday. I got to go to Mt. Airy again with Sister Lundin! I had so much fun getting to be with her. Mt. Airy is very pretty because it is basically all country. It's crazy being somewhere like this because I am not use to it at all! Haha. The leaves are beautiful and are changing so many different colors. We got to visit a lot of less-actives there with a member in their ward. I also got to pet a horse.

We are having sisters conference this Wednesday! Sister Lundin, Sister Rogers, Sister Nakata and I went and scoped out the hike for Sister Christiansen. We will be hiking Cunningham Falls up in Thurmont. It is so pretty:) While we were there they were filming a commercial for the state of Maryland. They said we could be in it but we would have to sign waivers... yes my chance for fame came! Hahah, but sadly we left before filming.

I love you guys so much, and I pray for you all the time! I am so grateful for the Lord, and for the ability he has to change us. Have a great week!:) Love, Sister Stolworthy